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Writer: Gelson CelistreGelson Celistre

Many people want to find their soulmate, especially women who are more romantic than men in general. When we have a relationship with another person we create energetic connections with them and in the case of a romantic relationship it should be a connection of love, but relationships don't always work out, sometimes they last a long time, sometimes not long, but while it was good it created these connections. positive energy.

Therefore, when we meet a person with whom we had a relationship in a past life, these positive energetic connections are the first we feel, as the frequency of these energies is high and they "arrive first" ;. However, over time and coexistence, other energies that we generated in this past life with the person appear and with them disharmonies. The desire to find her soulmate and an undeveloped mediumship created a very unpleasant situation for a woman, who we will call Maria.

Maria has had mediumship since a young age and said that she managed to control it with spiritual treatment. Here I make an observation, mediumship is an effect of karma, it is a defect in some of our subtle bodies or etheric screen and the type of control she sought, like many people, is to block, the person does not want to see, hear or feel the spirits and in some places they do magical work to block mediumship, but mediumship does not disappear, generally the person is trapped by some entity being vampirized and sooner or later it breaks out again completely without control.

But anyway, it turns out that at the age of 27, Maria had a revelation in a dream about a boy who would have been her husband in her last past life, who she imagined would be her soulmate and who they would meet again in their current life. The boy really exists and lives in a city close to Maria, she knew his name and even his profession in a dream. But the dream soon turned into a nightmare because Maria discovered that the boy was getting married. Maria was completely upset and even though she had nothing to do with the boy, who doesn't even know she exists, she hated him and the girl who became his wife. Maria fell ill and several health problems arose in her that the doctors were unable to resolve and she reported that she was chased in her dreams by the boy and his wife; He's already done apometry to forgive them, it wasn't with us, with no result. Maria also reports feeling a huge emotional void resulting from this whole situation.

To understand Maria's situation, let's go back in time to the 17th century in a past life in which the boy she believed to be her soulmate was a foreigner who came from another country to study medicine in London, England, the city in which Maria lived, she was a simple girl from a humble family who worked cleaning and general services, the two met and started dating, she with the hope that after graduating the young doctor he would marry her and restore her honor, as they dated for four years and Maria's virtue did not resist.

The boy, however, despite promises of marriage and enjoying Maria's company, never had any intention of marrying her, he was from a rich family and even had a girl waiting for him to get married and Maria was a humble girl that he enjoyed while he studied. When he graduated and said he would return to his home country, he promised Maria that he would come back for her and he even accepted that she did a homemade spell to ensure that he would return, she took pieces of their clothes and put them together with the blood and made a kind of patuá, but he let her do it to reassure her because he knew she wouldn't come back.

Arriving in his home country, he married a girl who was his fiancée and the young couple came to venture into the new world, emigrating to Brazil. Maria spent her whole life waiting for her beloved to return, imagining a thousand things, she made many prayers, sympathies and promises for him to return, but it was only after she died that she discovered that he never had any intention of returning, much less of marrying her. And now, centuries later, she receives a revelation in a dream that her soulmate lives close to her, but this only causes her heartbreak and illness.

Let's start with this revelation she had in a dream. In that past life she made many prayers, promises and sympathies for the boy to return to her and a spirit that wandered near her took the job, proposed to help her, kept in her the hope that the boy would return, sucked a lot of energy from her in that life, and now that same spirit found her reincarnated and with mediumship. And what did he do under the guise of helping her? He revealed to her in dreams about the boy who lived near her, even though he knew he was already taken and that he didn't even want to have anything serious with Maria in his other life.

This dream connected her with that past life frequency, initially, as she said, thinking they were soulmates, she connected with the phase in which they were dating and making plans, but when she found out that he was going to get married, she connected with the phase after his death in which she discovered that he had married someone else and that he never intended to marry her. And the consequence is that she started to obsess the couple, they are not the ones who persecute her in the dream, Maria is the one who disturbs them both, charging him for not having married her and accusing his wife of not being legitimate, saying that she is who should be the boy's wife and wanting the two to separate.

The spirit that was supposed to help her just wanted to reactivate the bond he had with her from that life through prayers and promises to drain her energy. We obliviate the spirit and send it to reincarnation, we dismantle the homemade spell she made with the patuás and we cut the energetic connection between her and the boy. We further discovered that the cyst she has is the physical counterpart of three spirits that were attached to her, of three abortions that the boy himself performed on her in that past life. The spirits were removed from Maria in surgery performed by our spiritual team and the three were sent for reincarnation.

See how many disagreements and suffering are involved in this story due to a belief in soulmates and undeveloped mediumship. There is no soulmate for anyone, what we have from past lives are relationships that worked more or less well and that still doesn't mean they would work in the current life, as spirits change and so do their interests.



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